Individual Donations
You may make a secure online donation* OR mail us a check payable to "Capital City Symphony" to:
Capital City Symphony, 1333 H Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Ask your employer if they do Matching Gifts.
*If you donate online, please consider contributing a few extra dollars to help cover our 3% credit card fee. As always, 100% of donations made by check go directly to CCS. No administrative charges, no credit card fees, no service costs.
Maestra Circle ($5,000+) Virtuoso ($1,000-$4,999) Principal ($500-$999)
Guest Artist ($250-$499) Fan ($100-$249) Supporter (up to $99)
1967 Society
Planned giving, also referred to as gift planning or legacy planning, is a contribution arranged during a donor’s lifetime to be allocated through a will, trust, or estate after death. A legacy gift provides the opportunity to support an organization and cause that is meaningful to you and, at the same time, to preserve and enjoy assets you might need during your lifetime.
Want to learn more? Contact us today to learn more about how to join the 1967 Society.
Corporate Donations
A variety of corporate sponsorship options are available, including underwriting a season or a single concert, supporting our soloists, or funding production costs. Email us for more information.
Spread the Word
After donating tell your friends and family about Capital City Symphony. Your voice helps us to succeed!
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